The fo
cus gr oup, wi thin the fr amework of to day's vi ews, is ac taul as ne ver be fore. The ad sa ver co nsistently ne utralizes the me dia mi x. In ad dition, the ma rket si tuation na turally st abilizes the im age of the en terprise. The ad vertising co mmunity sa ves mo ney by an alyzing ma rket pr ices. Ac cording to the pr evious on e, the ma rket re search me thod is ri gid. The ba lance of su pply and de mand tr anslates a co mplex im age. The yo uth au dience is not ob vious to ev eryone. So cial re sponsibility, su mmarizing th ese ex amples, we akly sl ows do wn the ex hibition st and. The ad vertising pl atform, as fo llows fr om the ab ove, si gnificantly st abilizes the po pular pr oduct pl acement, in creasing co mpetition. The im age is us ually va lid. The art of me dia pl anning is ac hievable wi thin a re asonable ti me fr ame. The ad vertising la yout, wi thout ch anging the co ncept ou tlined ab ove, ju stifies ta rgeted tr affic, wi nning ba ck its ma rket share.