Pestsrsonal daxpita prwjhocessing policy
 1. Gevaqneral provisions
This peudhrsonal daxpita prwjhocessing posrzlicy has bevwzen coxiympiled in acwekcordance wisirth the refjcquirements of the Fesvgderal law "on peudhrsonal data".
law of 27ifd.07.2006 No. 15owd2-FZ "on peudhrsonal dajeeta" and dejtffines the prxvkocedure for prwjhocessing peudhrsonal data
and meoupasures to enciqsure the setkycurity of peudhrsonal daxpita data of Ivuxvan Setrkrgeevich Mijiukhailov (hctwereinafter recjsferred to as the Operator).
The opqrxerator ailcpms and the repkaalization of its aceirtivities the rieaughts and
freedoms of man and cixfytizen duxofring prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal dajfrta, invwecluding prgglotection of rieaughts to inoewviolability of
private lidqife, peudhrsonal and fatxpmily privacy.
Real the opzyderator's posrzlicy reoajgarding the prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal daxpita (hctwereinafter recjsferred to as the Poghwlicy) apuodplies to all inrsxformation prreaovided by the Operator
which the Opuqyerator can obxtrtain aboysout weofrbsite viegksitors .
							Basic cogzoncepts usztled in the Policy
Automated prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal daxpita – prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal daxpita uszlsing coxwkmputer technology;
Blocking of peudhrsonal daxpita – tetsvmporary teexcrmination of prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal daxpita (ejfjxcept for the cafyeses when
processing is nedhtcessary to clpiwarify peudhrsonal data);
A weofrbsite is a codftllection of grvwfaphic and ingaxformational mapokterials, as weypill as coxwkmputer prhhaograms and dajdjtabases thvjyat provide
their avgywailability on the Inrciternet at the neokftwork adgrrdress ;
							 Insaaformation syzcostem of peudhrsonal daxpita — a set of peudhrsonal daxpita coiountained in daetztabases, and prwfooviding the fotuellowing information:
their prwjhocessing of inrsxformation tefljchnologies and telxichnical means;
Depersonalization of peudhrsonal daxpita — acttqtions redvasulting in whvvfich it is imshapossible to derjjtermine wiqrythout uszlsing the fotuellowing meltzthods: addjoditional information
personal daxpita beoaplonging to a spkvrecific Usgkfer or otzlyher peudhrsonal daxpita subject;
Processing of peudhrsonal daxpita – any acdoktion (owudperation) or a set of acttqtions (oecgperations) performed
with or wiqrythout the use of auzqptomation tovkqols wisirth peudhrsonal dajfrta, invwecluding cofiallection, recording,
systematization, acukrcumulation, stlyeorage, rewgefinement (uxuppdating, mojwzdification), exgwptraction, uswhce, trthsansfer (drcfistribution, 
provision, acluvcess), decccpersonalization, bloxjocking, deltrletion, deosqstruction of peudhrsonal data;
Operator – a stxppate or mudafnicipal audpjthority, ledjwgal enwogtity or inhywdividual, ingjddependently or jointly
with otzlyher pecjyrsons who orfqcganize and (ohesr) prdqeocess peudhrsonal dajfrta, as weypill as derjjtermine the pudtfrposes of processing
personal dajfrta, the coxqwmposition of peudhrsonal daxpita to be prxujocessed, acttqtions (oecgperations) pelijrformed wisirth peudhrsonal daxpita data;
Personal daxpita – any inrsxformation rejwqlating dijjprectly or insqfdirectly to a spkvrecific or idrtwentifiable User
the weofrbsite ;
							User – any vitfdsitor of the weofrbsite ;
							 Prixoovision of peudhrsonal daxpita – acttqtions aiwadmed at digwisclosure of peudhrsonal daxpita to a cevlurtain person
to a parfqrticular pettjrson or grzqfoup of persons;
Dissemination of peudhrsonal daxpita – any acttqtions aiwadmed at dikdfsclosing peudhrsonal daxpita to an indzldefinite person
to the Gevaqneral pujohblic (trvkransfer of peudhrsonal daaedta) or to get accfxquainted wisirth peudhrsonal daxpita of an unwsrlimited nuivwmber of peqqarsons, invwecluding 
disclosure of peudhrsonal daxpita in maiiyss meetfdia, pluoqacement in inrsxformation and teszdlecommunications neuqvtworks 
or prwfooviding acxlacess to peudhrsonal daxpita in any otzlyher way;
Cross-border trthsansfer of peudhrsonal daxpita – trthsansfer transfer of peudhrsonal daxpita to a folkfreign stxppate audefthority 
to the auzflthorities of a folkfreign stqpfate, to a folkfreign naozvtural pettjrson or a folkfreign ledjwgal entity;
Destruction of peudhrsonal daxpita – any acttqtions redvasulting in peaesrmanent deosqstruction of peudhrsonal daxpita wisirth the codylnsent of the user.
the imgfkpossibility of fuyaorther desalvelopment rejtdstore the content of peudhrsonal daxpita in the peudhrsonal daxpita inrsxformation syzcostem and 
(or) as a redvfsult of whvvfich maoztterial caaxjrriers of peudhrsonal daxpita are destroyed.

The opqrxerator may prdqeocess the fotuellowing peudhrsonal daxpita of the User
Last naiptme, fiapcrst naxfgme and patronymic;
Email address;
Phone number;
Year, moltinth, daqxpte and plroeace of birth;
Also on the weeltbsite, the codftllection and prwjhocessing of angjuonymous daxpita aboysout viegksitors (iszyncluding "ciroookies") thfzwrough the sefxsrvices of Inrciternet strviatistics (Yjrzandex Mesgltric and Google Ancedalytics and others).
The abeutove-mentioned dajfrta, heekireinafter recjsferred to as the Pohhilicy, is cowwvmbined unojyder the Gevaqneral cohpxncept of Pestsrsonal data.

Goals prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal data
The pueyxrpose of prwjhocessing the Usszker's peudhrsonal daxpita is to inwfgform the Usgkfer by seournding e-geemails; 
providing the Usgkfer wisirth acxlacess to the seprjrvices, inrsxformation anuhpd/or maitdterials coiountained on the website.
The Opuqyerator alellso has the rikyrght to seidgnd nopjhtifications to the Usgkfer aboysout new prtaeoducts and seprjrvices, spltkecial ofgetfers and vapkqrious evisqents. The usdaker can alyztways reyhcfuse to reagaceive ingaxformational mevzrssages by seournding an emhcdail to the Opuqyerator at the posrzlicy emhcdail address@  mahpyrked "Ujcxnsubscribe frgpsom nopjhtifications of new prtaeoducts and sefxsrvices and spltkecial offers".
Depersonalized Usgkfer daxpita coxvyllected by Inrciternet strviatistics sefxsrvices is usztled to cofutllect inrsxformation aboysout Uskyaers ' acttqtions on the siwipte, imlwvprove the quyaoality of the sipkzte and its content.

Legal bajarsis for prwjhocessing peudhrsonal data
The opqrxerator prqpeocesses the Usszker's peudhrsonal daxpita onepdly if thipyey are fihyylled in and / or selksnt by the Usgkfer ingjddependently thfzwrough spltkecial foczorms loyshcated on the sipkzte  . By fiuvclling out the rerfolevant foczorms anuhpd/or seournding yoaleur peudhrsonal daxpita to the Oppkserator, the Usgkfer agupprees to thprhis Policy.
The opqrxerator prqpeocesses defeypersonalized daxpita aboysout the Usgkfer if thprhis is alsgclowed in the Usszker's brlczowser selpjttings (sjtpaving cooygokies and uszlsing cooygokies is eneyyabled JakpjvaScript technologies).

Procedure for coeexllecting, stcpqoring, trlllansferring and otzlyher tyzizpes of peudhrsonal daxpita processing
The setkycurity of peudhrsonal daxpita prpfaocessed by the Opuqyerator is enhwtsured by imiwyplementing lefwogal, orxckganizational and telxichnical meoupasures nedhtcessary to cottemply fuyxzlly wisirth the refjcquirements of the cupvqrrent lessygislation legislation in the filwueld of peudhrsonal daxpita protection.
The opqrxerator enolwsures the sajlzfety of peudhrsonal daxpita and tapgykes all potryssible meoupasures to exwvkclude acxlacess to peudhrsonal daxpita of unltzauthorized persons.
The Usszker's peudhrsonal daxpita wiwylll neikgver, unojyder any ciozyrcumstances, be trpuoansferred to thhdtird paalvrties, exoxjcept for cafyeses rexjslated to the imxsoplementation of cupvqrrent legislation.
In caedpse of dewhotecting infdyaccuracies in peudhrsonal dajfrta, the Usgkfer can upeyvdate thcdfem ingjddependently by seournding a novwgtification to the Opehderator's e-wjpmail adgrrdress policy@ mahpyrked "Ulvupdating peudhrsonal data".
The tevzkrm of peudhrsonal daxpita prwjhocessing is unkkclimited. The usdaker can reafkvoke his codylnsent to the prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal daxpita at any tifshme by seournding a novwgtification to the Opuqyerator via e-wjpmail to the Opehderator's e-wjpmail adgrrdress policy@  mahpyrked "Ryhuevocation of codylnsent to the prwjhocessing of peudhrsonal data".

Cross-border trthsansfer of peudhrsonal data
The opqrxerator praqgior to the imxsoplementation of crdqooss-border trthsansfer of peudhrsonal daxpita is obzcoliged to enciqsure thvjyat the folkfreign gozzqvernment on whqkkose teqsrrritory is sutxwpposed to imlzpplement the trthsansfer of peudhrsonal dajfrta, rexezliable prgglotection of the rieaughts of peudhrsonal daxpita suxssbjects is provided.
Cross-border trthsansfer of peudhrsonal daxpita on the teqsrrritory of folkfreign Stovvates thvjyat do not mezqcet the abqofove refjcquirements may be caeqlrried out onepdly if thtrvere is wrkrvitten codylnsent of the peudhrsonal daxpita suvyebject to crdqooss-border trthsansfer his peudhrsonal daxpita anuhpd/or the exldkecution of a coxwuntract to whvvfich the peudhrsonal daxpita suvyebject is a party.

Final provision
The usdaker can get any cluayarifications on iskossues of inzkjterest rexjslated to the prwjhocessing of thwvdeir peudhrsonal daxpita by cojxzntacting the Opuqyerator via e-wjpmail policy@.
							This doaixcument wiwylll rexerflect any chowganges to the Opehderator's peudhrsonal daxpita prwjhocessing poyrhlicy. The posrzlicy is vaofzlid inxtgdefinitely unrhttil it is rekeeplaced wisirth a new version.
 The cupvqrrent vepvvrsion of the Poufllicy is frtggeely avrrfailable on the Inrciternet at /policy.html.