Personal da ta pr ocessing policy 1. Ge neral provisions This pe rsonal da ta pr ocessing po licy has be en co mpiled in ac cordance wi th the re quirements of the Fe deral law "on pe rsonal data". law of 27 .07.2006 No. 15 2-FZ "on pe rsonal da ta" and de fines the pr ocedure for pr ocessing pe rsonal data and me asures to en sure the se curity of pe rsonal da ta data of Iv an Se rgeevich Mi khailov (h ereinafter re ferred to as the Operator). The op erator ai ms and the re alization of its ac tivities the ri ghts and freedoms of man and ci tizen du ring pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta, in cluding pr otection of ri ghts to in violability of private li fe, pe rsonal and fa mily privacy. Real the op erator's po licy re garding the pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta (h ereinafter re ferred to as the Po licy) ap plies to all in formation pr ovided by the Operator which the Op erator can ob tain ab out we bsite vi sitors . Basic co ncepts us ed in the Policy Automated pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta – pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta us ing co mputer technology; Blocking of pe rsonal da ta – te mporary te rmination of pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta (e xcept for the ca ses when processing is ne cessary to cl arify pe rsonal data); A we bsite is a co llection of gr aphic and in formational ma terials, as we ll as co mputer pr ograms and da tabases th at provide their av ailability on the In ternet at the ne twork ad dress ; In formation sy stem of pe rsonal da ta — a set of pe rsonal da ta co ntained in da tabases, and pr oviding the fo llowing information: their pr ocessing of in formation te chnologies and te chnical means; Depersonalization of pe rsonal da ta — ac tions re sulting in wh ich it is im possible to de termine wi thout us ing the fo llowing me thods: ad ditional information personal da ta be longing to a sp ecific Us er or ot her pe rsonal da ta subject; Processing of pe rsonal da ta – any ac tion (o peration) or a set of ac tions (o perations) performed with or wi thout the use of au tomation to ols wi th pe rsonal da ta, in cluding co llection, recording, systematization, ac cumulation, st orage, re finement (u pdating, mo dification), ex traction, us e, tr ansfer (d istribution, provision, ac cess), de personalization, bl ocking, de letion, de struction of pe rsonal data; Operator – a st ate or mu nicipal au thority, le gal en tity or in dividual, in dependently or jointly with ot her pe rsons who or ganize and (o r) pr ocess pe rsonal da ta, as we ll as de termine the pu rposes of processing personal da ta, the co mposition of pe rsonal da ta to be pr ocessed, ac tions (o perations) pe rformed wi th pe rsonal da ta data; Personal da ta – any in formation re lating di rectly or in directly to a sp ecific or id entifiable User the we bsite ; User – any vi sitor of the we bsite ; Pr ovision of pe rsonal da ta – ac tions ai med at di sclosure of pe rsonal da ta to a ce rtain person to a pa rticular pe rson or gr oup of persons; Dissemination of pe rsonal da ta – any ac tions ai med at di sclosing pe rsonal da ta to an in definite person to the Ge neral pu blic (t ransfer of pe rsonal da ta) or to get ac quainted wi th pe rsonal da ta of an un limited nu mber of pe rsons, in cluding disclosure of pe rsonal da ta in ma ss me dia, pl acement in in formation and te lecommunications ne tworks or pr oviding ac cess to pe rsonal da ta in any ot her way; Cross-border tr ansfer of pe rsonal da ta – tr ansfer transfer of pe rsonal da ta to a fo reign st ate au thority to the au thorities of a fo reign st ate, to a fo reign na tural pe rson or a fo reign le gal entity; Destruction of pe rsonal da ta – any ac tions re sulting in pe rmanent de struction of pe rsonal da ta wi th the co nsent of the user. the im possibility of fu rther de velopment re store the content of pe rsonal da ta in the pe rsonal da ta in formation sy stem and (or) as a re sult of wh ich ma terial ca rriers of pe rsonal da ta are destroyed. The op erator may pr ocess the fo llowing pe rsonal da ta of the User Last na me, fi rst na me and patronymic; Email address; Phone number; Year, mo nth, da te and pl ace of birth; Photo; Also on the we bsite, the co llection and pr ocessing of an onymous da ta ab out vi sitors (i ncluding "c ookies") th rough the se rvices of In ternet st atistics (Y andex Me tric and Google An alytics and others). The ab ove-mentioned da ta, he reinafter re ferred to as the Po licy, is co mbined un der the Ge neral co ncept of Pe rsonal data. Goals pr ocessing of pe rsonal data The pu rpose of pr ocessing the Us er's pe rsonal da ta is to in form the Us er by se nding e- mails; providing the Us er wi th ac cess to the se rvices, in formation an d/or ma terials co ntained on the website. The Op erator al so has the ri ght to se nd no tifications to the Us er ab out new pr oducts and se rvices, sp ecial of fers and va rious ev ents. The us er can al ways re fuse to re ceive in formational me ssages by se nding an em ail to the Op erator at the po licy em ail address@ ma rked "U nsubscribe fr om no tifications of new pr oducts and se rvices and sp ecial offers". Depersonalized Us er da ta co llected by In ternet st atistics se rvices is us ed to co llect in formation ab out Us ers ' ac tions on the si te, im prove the qu ality of the si te and its content. Legal ba sis for pr ocessing pe rsonal data The op erator pr ocesses the Us er's pe rsonal da ta on ly if th ey are fi lled in and / or se nt by the Us er in dependently th rough sp ecial fo rms lo cated on the si te . By fi lling out the re levant fo rms an d/or se nding yo ur pe rsonal da ta to the Op erator, the Us er ag rees to th is Policy. The op erator pr ocesses de personalized da ta ab out the Us er if th is is al lowed in the Us er's br owser se ttings (s aving co okies and us ing co okies is en abled Ja vaScript technologies). Procedure for co llecting, st oring, tr ansferring and ot her ty pes of pe rsonal da ta processing The se curity of pe rsonal da ta pr ocessed by the Op erator is en sured by im plementing le gal, or ganizational and te chnical me asures ne cessary to co mply fu lly wi th the re quirements of the cu rrent le gislation legislation in the fi eld of pe rsonal da ta protection. The op erator en sures the sa fety of pe rsonal da ta and ta kes all po ssible me asures to ex clude ac cess to pe rsonal da ta of un authorized persons. The Us er's pe rsonal da ta wi ll ne ver, un der any ci rcumstances, be tr ansferred to th ird pa rties, ex cept for ca ses re lated to the im plementation of cu rrent legislation. In ca se of de tecting in accuracies in pe rsonal da ta, the Us er can up date th em in dependently by se nding a no tification to the Op erator's e- mail ad dress policy@ ma rked "U pdating pe rsonal data". The te rm of pe rsonal da ta pr ocessing is un limited. The us er can re voke his co nsent to the pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta at any ti me by se nding a no tification to the Op erator via e- mail to the Op erator's e- mail ad dress policy@ ma rked "R evocation of co nsent to the pr ocessing of pe rsonal data". Cross-border tr ansfer of pe rsonal data The op erator pr ior to the im plementation of cr oss-border tr ansfer of pe rsonal da ta is ob liged to en sure th at the fo reign go vernment on wh ose te rritory is su pposed to im plement the tr ansfer of pe rsonal da ta, re liable pr otection of the ri ghts of pe rsonal da ta su bjects is provided. Cross-border tr ansfer of pe rsonal da ta on the te rritory of fo reign St ates th at do not me et the ab ove re quirements may be ca rried out on ly if th ere is wr itten co nsent of the pe rsonal da ta su bject to cr oss-border tr ansfer his pe rsonal da ta an d/or the ex ecution of a co ntract to wh ich the pe rsonal da ta su bject is a party. Final provision The us er can get any cl arifications on is sues of in terest re lated to the pr ocessing of th eir pe rsonal da ta by co ntacting the Op erator via e- mail policy@. This do cument wi ll re flect any ch anges to the Op erator's pe rsonal da ta pr ocessing po licy. The po licy is va lid in definitely un til it is re placed wi th a new version. The cu rrent ve rsion of the Po licy is fr eely av ailable on the In ternet at /policy.html.